February 2024
Dear Parents,
We have some good news. The school have been chosen by My Canine Companion as the first school in Roscommon to have a therapy dog working at the school. The therapy dog is for all the children in the school. We will be receiving the therapy dog as a puppy (9 weeks old) next Monday and it will be trained over the coming two years by the staff and children at our school.
The children had a visit today by Laura Sullivan from My Canine Companion. She brought her dog Nessa who was 9 months old to the school. The children were informed there will be a puppy starting training in the school next Monday. The breed of dog is also hypoallergenic for those parents concerned with allergies. For parents concerned with a working dog in the school please contact the school. The dog does not have to enter classes where children may be afraid. Children can go to other areas in the school to spend time with the dog.
This is a whole new chapter for our school. There will be a lot of work involved to train the dog and a lot of commitment from staff. We are very thankful to the staff for choosing to work with a service dog in our school. Without them this wouldn’t have been possible.
Please see the my canine companion website below and feel free to contact the school if you have any questions.
The children were delighted today with the news as were the staff when they got the news last night. We are very fortunate to be given this opportunity. We hope it is a positive experience for everyone.
The dog belongs to the charity My Canine Companion.
Mr. Sutton and Mr Flynn are the 1st and 2nd handlers of the dog. The dog will be living between their homes and families during the weeks, weekends and holidays.
The charity can choose to remove the dog from the school if they feel this project is not a success so this is a temporary arrangement until the dog passes its exams and actually becomes a member of staff and a useful resource for the school. In the long term the dog will always be affiliated with our school regardless of changes in staff. It will stay at the school for its working career of roughly 10 years.
We are all very excited with this new endeavour.
Please see photo attached below of Laura Sullivan with 9 month old therapy dog Nessa who visited today.
Sincerely Mr. Sutton (The Principal)
please read blurb below from website. Thanks
My Canine Companion introduced Ireland’s first school therapy dog programme, with dogs placed in schools nationwide.
This programme has seen huge success, with our school therapy dogs supporting students, both in SEN settings as well as mainstream settings, nationwide.
We now have 40 dogs placed in schools nationwide, and the programme is expanding quickly.
Schools have enjoyed
· A greater enjoyment of being in the school environment
· Improved attendance and a greater willingness to learn and participate.
· Improved behaviour, social interaction and sense of responsibility.
· Help with transitioning for children with difficulties in this area.
· Opportunity to overcome fear of dogs.
· Use of dog for movement breaks .
· Improved literacy, in cases where children read to their school dog.
· Improved staff morale.